Tuesday 27 January 2009

Mein Fuhrer, Mein Retter

I was at a Bible study the other day where my Housemate, who studied history at University and has a slightly unhealthy obsession with Nazi's, declared [Paraphrased]:

"Fuhrer is a good term to use for Jesus"

It turns out that in German this isn't mearly a Synonym for Hitler, nor does it mearly mean 'A Leader', but also means "a Guide" and is closely associated with a mountain guide who would take you safely through the dangerous region to the other side. Nice imagery I think. Jesus guides me, and those who trust in him, through the dangers of Life to the safety of eternity in the new creation with him.

Of course my friend and I burst into "Mein Fuhrer, Mein Retter" [To the tune of "My Jesus, My Saviour"]....Well, the first line at least as that all the German we could muster. Anyway, my point is that I am happy to declare "Jesus ist mein Fuhrer". The question you need to answer is: "Is he yours?"

In case you were wondering here are the real words.....with Fuhrer added of course:

"Mein Fuhrer, mein Retter,
keiner ist so wie du.
Lobpreis sei dir, jeden Tag mehr,
für deine große Liebe, Herr.
Mein Tröster, mein Helfer,
du bist mir Zuflucht und Kraft.
Alles in mir beugt sich vor dir.
Du bist hoch erhoben, Herr!

Ruft zu dem Herrn, alle Enden der Welt!
Ehre und Dank dem, der alles erhält.
Himmel und Erde erhebt ihn und singt,
wenn sein Name erklingt.
Wir preisen dich, du hast Großes getan.
Wir kommen vor dich und beten an.
Dank sei dir, Herr, du bist unvergleichlich gut."


  1. Nur einer Probleme. No one in German ever uses the word fuehrer for anything other than a refernce to Hitler. If you sang/mention Mein Fuhrer mein Retter people would think you a nazi and you would end up in prison before you could sing the 2nd verse.
    A better less connotation laden word would be Leiter, or Hirte (leader/shepherd)
    Fuhrer simply is a no go im afraid...

  2. I agree that in Germany that Leiter is now the prefered word and infact Fuhrer will indeed get one in trouble. Thanks for pointing this out to any other readers. However I was just trying to comment on my housemates words and parable. I'm not trying to suggest that English speaking people should start using this term but rahter I was using it as a spring board to discuss Jesus' nature.

  3. Larry, you're mistaken that no-one uses the word Führer except to refer to Hitler. People use it in many context without batting an eyelid. In fact, the German word for driving license is Führerschein - Führer-license.

    On the other hand, for the sake of clarity, and to avoid double-entendres, it is probably better in a lot of cases if you can substitute it for something else.
